Let’s face it, when you are cozy in your bed and happily enjoying dreamland, it’s easier to press the snooze button. If this describes you, don't worry! We're here with some tips on how to wake up so that snoozing doesn't become an option anymore.
Research has shown that 57% of Americans hit the snooze button every morning. But what many may not be aware of, is the benefits from waking early and energized! You can improve your concentration, quality of sleep, long-lasting energy, your ability to solve problems, and more!
It takes commitment to wake up early, but it is possible to transform the latest riser into an early bird, plus you’ll live a healthier and a more productive lifestyle.
Here are 6 hacks for you to try, so you can find yourself bouncing out of bed in the morning effortlessly!
1. Just Say No To Snoozing
Most of us believe that hitting the snooze button allows us to have some extra time to sleep. However, this only makes you groggy and tired for the rest of the morning. So here is a tip; set your alarm to the latest you can for waking up and getting on time to work...and then wake up.
In the end, the snooze button confuses your body’s internal clock, and it makes you feel more cranky when waking up. So wake up with the first alarm and say goodbye to snoozing!
2. Keep Your Alarm Out Of Reach
There is nothing better than silencing a disturbing alarm as quickly as possible. When you place your alarm beyond arm reach, you are forced to get up and turn it off physically. Believe us; your wake-up routine will become much smoother!
Before you realize it, you are already awake, and it will be less likely for you to hit the snooze button and get back in bed.
3. Let Natural Light In
You know that feeling when your room is so dark, it's difficult for you to get out of bed? Adjusting curtains at sunrise might be just what helps jumpstart those sleepy neurons! Also, the light will be a stimulus for your body to stop the release of melatonin while making you more ready to wake up as soon as the alarm goes off.
Scientists have discovered that natural light exposure is strongly tied to our body's wakefulness triggers. Waking with the sun appears to be an excellent way to reshape your body clock by dawning new vitality, energy, and mindfulness!.
4. Start With A Morning Workout
Do you want to feel pumped and ready to conquer the day? Some morning exercise can do just the trick.
Whether it is an early spin class, a run around the block, or just doing some jumping jacks in your room, you will be starting your morning with a positive outlook. And who doesn't love starting their days energized with less stress?
Follow Up With Turbo-Charge Drinks
If you need an extra special drink that gets your morning started right, try getting some warm coffee or tea so it can comfort both body and soul!
Also, the simple yet powerful way to recover from nighttime dehydration and kick-start your digestive system is by sipping on a big glass of cold water with lemon!
The next time your alarm clock goes off at 5 am, and you're feeling groggy - wait, there's a delicious surprise waiting for you to drink.
The next time you find yourself without the motivation to wake up early, just remember that there are many ways for setting yourself up as an earlier beaver. Your mornings are a time for your mind and body to rejuvenate! Use those early hours wisely so that you can be ready when it matters most.
And believe us, by following these alternatives, you will feel like you took two extra shots of espresso before work. Do not wait to snooze your next alarm, instead, join the club of early birds.
At Attitude Is Free, we know it can be hard to adjust your morning routine. All you need are the right tools for success and a little bit of determination! Like any other new habit, it takes time, but it will become second nature by day's end with enough repetition.
You deserve excellence in the mornings, so get pumped and say goodbye to not being a ‘morning person.’
Attitude Is Free is a way of thinking or feeling about someone or something that is reflected in our behavior. We all have the power to choose an optimistic mindset that leads to long-term fulfillment and happiness that not only impacts ourselves, but can uplift others. We have complete power over this tool within each of us and it is 100% FREE.
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They are so soft and versatile! Whether it's working out or lounging around we got you covered.
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The History of Our Brand That You Know and Love
Our company has changed so much since we first launched, but one thing has always remained the same--our attitude. Here's what it means to be part of our team.