At Attitude is Free, we believe there should be a place for people, who have difficulty sharing suicide-related thoughts or mental struggles. Many individuals have decided to stay silent, but here you will be able to share your story. We also want to provide the necessary equipment for those in need. As a show of support, we have decided to partner with two organizations, Helmets 4 Hope, and The 988 Initiative - Percentage of the profits from the three-line tee will be donated to both organizations.
So many teams and athletes in America need a place to feel safe and others struggle with gear to perform at their best.
Helmets 4 Hope is a nonprofit organization designed to give back to struggling programs by repurposing and redesigning game-worn helmets. We find teams in need that could use some financial support and share the proceeds, from the sales of custom-designed helmets or donations, with them.
The 988 Initiative is dedicated as a show of support for those going through mental struggles. We will be encouraging those in our community to reach out for help while also making them aware of this new number accessible in July of this year.
We believe that athletes are still vulnerable and human to psychological distress. Our mission is to shed light on these issues so they don't feel alone in their pain, encourage them not to give up hope or lose faith when experiencing suicidal thoughts, and provide the resources needed for those who need help without delay!
Hear their stories...
Cash Peterman - Founder of Helmets 4 Hope
"I was born in Tucson Arizona and have played three sports all my life. Football baseball and soccer all year round. Sports and competition have always been my passion.
When I was three I nearly had my leg amputated due to a rattlesnake bite but through miracles, I was able to keep my leg.
I now use that gift to kick for BYU in Provo Utah. This is where I had the idea of starting Helmets 4 Hope. I have always had a passion for really unique uniforms and gear, especially at the college level and one day I found a helmet thrift shopping.
I chose to buy some custom Car vinyl wrap and make an all-chrome blue helmet. It took BYU nation by storm and many people were wondering how to get their hands on one. Instead of turning it into a company, I thought that there are Hundreds of helmets being thrown out each year and just as many families who need help paying for schooling and athletics and this is how Helmets 4 Hope was born.
We take expired and run-down helmets that can’t be used in play and customize them for anyone interested and auction them off for a cause, foundation, or campaign that can help a family in need. This is my passion project and is my main focus as of now and will be through my time while playing at BYU. "
Jacob Conover - VP of Helmets 4 hope
"My story is simple, growing up as a kid my dream was to play in the NFL and I am currently trying my best to fulfill this dream. I am playing college football at BYU and play QB.
Growing up I was given many opportunities to get better at what I love and improve my skills to the level I needed to help me reach my goals. At the collegiate level, I came to a realization of all the things I was given in my youth, all the resources and opportunities I had to chase my athletic career.
My buddy Cash had the idea for Helmets4Hope to be able to help kids have the same opportunities we had as kids.
There are so many kids around the country and in our communities that don't have access to the resources in order to go to sports camps, buy gear, or even play sports. We wanted to make a change in allowing kids with these limited resources to be able to play sports and be a part of something amazing.
We had the idea to customize help and use that money to fundraise and build the brand. We began to contact bigger names and other organizations to partner with and now Helmets4Hope is growing bigger and bigger. "
John Edward Heath
"I am an adaptive athlete for Team Semper Fi and The Adaptive Training Foundation.
I am currently training for the 2024 Summer Paralympics and 2026 Winter Paralympics.
I am a Marine Corps Veteran of 10 years.
I am a below-the-knee amputee who underwent 14 surgeries with a lot of trials and tribulations.
I hold a Bachelor's of Science in Psychology and a Bachelor's in Science in Exercise Science and am currently in a graduate program for Management in Non-profit.
I am the Director of Marketing for the non-profit organization Helmets 4 Hope and a board member for the 988 Initiative.
The reason why I got involved with these non-profits was to help make a difference and end the stigma on mental health. In 2018 I was brought the news of losing my best friend who was a Marine Corps Officer to suicide, I had been affected before this with other Marines but this one hit home.
Then in 2020, my life would change forever when my significant other would commit suicide. My journey started with defying the impossible as an amputee but then I realized I could be a voice and proof to so many individuals. I went through my mental health issues losing these two individuals and battling my injuries but mentoring helped me get past them. I am a former Naval Academy Coach and the midshipmen and staff helped me post service by finding a new purpose.
Now I am speaking and telling my story to many people along with NFL teams through Merging Veterans & Players. Attitude and mental fortitude have been the key to my success, many who know me can testify that I try my hardest to bring the best attitude to any situation, and through that, I truly realized my full potential.
It has become my mission to let people know that there is something on the other side of adversity. Helping the younger generations in athletic sports is my passion but this mission is bigger than just sports I firmly believe attitude applies to everyone and anyone. "
Jake Hertzman
" I am a senior baseball player at Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio, and I founded The 988 Initiative. We are a non-profit organization aiming to create conversations around mental health and suicide prevention while also raising awareness for the new 3-digit National Suicide Prevention number, 988.
I envision The 988 Initiative becoming a nationally recognized non-profit with banners, stickers, patches, and other 988 related gear in schools, athletic facilities, offices, and other venues around the country. We are already working with many teams at all levels of athletics from youth to professional but really want to expand our outreach beyond just the sports world.
988 is available to anybody and everybody in the U.S. who is in need of mental health assistance, so the number of communities that can be touched and impacted by this mission is endless.
As a freshman in high school, I played the main character in Chance The Movie, filmed at Flash Baseball Complex in Hamersville, Ohio. The film centers around the true story of a boy named Chance Smith who had a deep-rooted love for baseball but became caught up in the drama and stress of teenage relationships.
He ultimately took his own life. In December 2020, my cousin died by suicide after a long period of battling his mental health struggles. Through these events, mental health advocacy has become a close-to-home issue that I have a growing passion for, and that is why I started The 988 Initiative."
Today, there are millions of people wanting to be heard...needing to be heard. Some live in fear, and the unknown source fuels their terror. At Attitude Is Free, we believe that each individual has a story worth telling - one with the power to change opinions.
A story could be the most powerful tool. The power is in your hands! When you tell a story, it's no longer about telling someone what to do. You're now putting them on the path that will lead them to where they want and expect themselves to be.
Make your story one to remember. Whether it is the champion of all time or the business entrepreneur who changed an industry, don’t hold back!
Through messaging, events, partnerships and apparel, our goal is to inspire people to embody a positive mindset as a way of life.
Attitude Is Free is a way of thinking or feeling about someone or something that is reflected in our behavior. We all have the power to choose an optimistic mindset that leads to long-term fulfillment and happiness that not only impacts ourselves, but can uplift others. We have complete power over this tool within each of us and it is 100% FREE.
Attitude is Free was formed in 2016 to bring to life our desire to create a brand that consistently inspires people to never give up, a brand that promotes the idea that we have the power to maintain a positive mindset in life and through the varying obstacles we face.
What people are saying about Attitude is free...
"I bought this for me for my birthday. Glad I did! I’ve also had some challenges in life. I learned early on that attitude is everything. When I saw this shirt I had to have it. It’s just a wonderful bonus that it fits perfect!" - Mark
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See what people are saying!
"Attitude is Free is 🔥🔥🔥. It’s all about perspective! Love it!"
-Joey K.
"Love your brand and what you guys stand for! Sending much love and light to you guys❤️❤️"
- Bethany P.
"I need one of these suits in my life. I am 4 day post breast reconstruction surgery after mastectomy and living in sweats and comfy clothes."
-Jenni B.
"I love this!! These retro styles have me 😍😍😍"
- Cori A.
The History of Our Brand That You Know and Love
Our company has changed so much since we first launched, but one thing has always remained the same--our attitude. Here's what it means to be part of our team.